Ohms & Voltage Meters

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Ohms & Voltage meters are extremely handy ecig accessories, particularly for vapers who enjoy building their own atomizer coils. Users of rebuildable dripping atomizers fabricate their own coils and therefore need to test the resistance level of the coils they have built.

This information is essential to adequately set the proper voltage or wattage output of the battery and resistance of the coils thereby affording the best vaping experience possible.

Ohms & Voltage Meters

Ohms & Voltage meters are extremely handy ecig accessories, particularly for vapers who enjoy building their own atomizer coils. Users of rebuildable dripping atomizers fabricate their own coils and therefore need to test the resistance level of the coils they have built.

This information is essential to adequately set the proper voltage or wattage output of the battery and resistance of the coils thereby affording the best vaping experience possible.

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