Hohm Tech INR Batteries

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With so many technical advancements in the vaporizer platform, it’s easy to forget the most commonly overlooked consideration: the battery. Although battery innovations are comparatively rare, they nonetheless deserve more focus. Outside of their power facilitation, portable vape devices would be impossible. Recognizing this dearth in attention, Hohm Tech Batteries stepped into the void!

What makes Hohm Tech Batteries so special compared to the standard fare? Let’s start with their raw materials, which are specially sourced from several industry-leading providers. Unlike competitor brands, Hohm Tech expends thousands of manhours conducting laboratory trials, and later, real-world environmental tests. The end result is a portable powerplant that delivers electrical charge reliably and consistently.

Moreover, Hohm Tech Batteries are specifically engineered for vaporizer use. The vast majority of batteries offered in the vaping market today have multi-purpose functionality. While this isn’t a problem per say, vape enthusiasts are essentially leaving money on the table by incorporating general-use batteries as opposed to specialized iterations. Such dynamics can lead to less-than-perfect operation.

To maximize efficiency and end-user satisfaction, Hohm Tech Batteries feature lower internal resistance compared to generic batteries. Due to several modifications, including UHPAI integration for cathode tags, no other brand can deliver the power output and efficiency combination of Hohm Tech electrical-sourcing devices.

Finally, Hohm Tech Batteries are renowned for their optimal blend of what they term “PPLS” – Price, Power, Longevity, and Safety. Indeed, you will be hard-pressed to find the exceptional value, performance, and safe functionality offered in every Hohm Tech device.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to go hard, or go Hohm!

Hohm Tech INR Batteries

With so many technical advancements in the vaporizer platform, it’s easy to forget the most commonly overlooked consideration: the battery. Although battery innovations are comparatively rare, they nonetheless deserve more focus. Outside of their power facilitation, portable vape devices would be impossible. Recognizing this dearth in attention, Hohm Tech Batteries stepped into the void!

What makes Hohm Tech Batteries so special compared to the standard fare? Let’s start with their raw materials, which are specially sourced from several industry-leading providers. Unlike competitor brands, Hohm Tech expends thousands of manhours conducting laboratory trials, and later, real-world environmental tests. The end result is a portable powerplant that delivers electrical charge reliably and consistently.

Moreover, Hohm Tech Batteries are specifically engineered for vaporizer use. The vast majority of batteries offered in the vaping market today have multi-purpose functionality. While this isn’t a problem per say, vape enthusiasts are essentially leaving money on the table by incorporating general-use batteries as opposed to specialized iterations. Such dynamics can lead to less-than-perfect operation.

To maximize efficiency and end-user satisfaction, Hohm Tech Batteries feature lower internal resistance compared to generic batteries. Due to several modifications, including UHPAI integration for cathode tags, no other brand can deliver the power output and efficiency combination of Hohm Tech electrical-sourcing devices.

Finally, Hohm Tech Batteries are renowned for their optimal blend of what they term “PPLS” – Price, Power, Longevity, and Safety. Indeed, you will be hard-pressed to find the exceptional value, performance, and safe functionality offered in every Hohm Tech device.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to go hard, or go Hohm!

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